Last Sunday, we held our AGM in CityWest Hotel where a number of topics were discussed and approved for implementation. Every club and department is represented at the AGM and allows them to raise proposals to the Board and discuss matters arising from last season and the coming season. The following are the major highlights from the meeting:
- The positions held by both Cillian Smith and Matt Craig were up for election, and both Cillian and Matt were re-elected
- The 2015 Annual Report was presented, which highlighted a number of exciting developments and expansions for the sport, including:
- Significant increases in player registration
- Successful Senior Kitted league season
- The development of a successful Flag Football league and the inaugural Championship, Emerald Bowl I
- Commencement of a Junior Kitted league
- Success in Europe with the Belfast Trojans winning the GFLI Atlantic Cup
- Implementation of new sanctioning rules for third party events
- Introduction of a new team workshop
- Election of an IAFA representative to the Presidium of the International Federation of American Football (IFAF) (Janice Ward)
- Moving into the National Sports Campus in Abbotstown
- We have three new teams hoping to play in the IAFL2 division next season:
- North Dublin Pirates
- PSNI Razorbacks
- Wexford Eagles
- It was recognised that the biggest challenge for the future of the sport is to cater for everyone seeking to play football, thanks to the rise in the sport’s popularity
- Some amendments were made to the Disciplinary Code around the standards of filming games
- A new concussion protocol was introduced
- There will be a complete revamping of the Officiating training programme, with courses to be delivered by experienced German tutors starting in January
- We have applied for two new Coaching Tutors to be trained with Coaching Ireland
- We are actively seeking Sport Ireland funding to establish a Development Officer
- In-competition drug testing will be carried out in Senior Kitted football
- The Kitted Senior football season will have a similar structure to the 2015 season