On Saturday 10th August, the IAFA held a General Meeting, which focused mainly on Youth Kitted Football. There was also an IAFA Board meeting later that day. The main issues discussed at each meeting are as follows:
General Meeting:
Youth Kitted Football:
There was a long discussion regarding the introduction of Youth Kitted football which covered topics such as policies, legal requirements, player pathway, rules/format etc.
A new Youth Kitted Football Subcommittee was put in place as follows:
Matt Craig (Carrickfergus)
Garland Drake (Meath)
Ken Farrell (South Kildare/Schools Flag).
Tony Rivers (officiating input).
This Subcommittee will report to Board Member Terry Lynch (Coaching Tutor), who will also supply some coaching input.
The first IAFA Youth Kitted Football Tournament has been scheduled for Sunday 6th October. Teams will be required to register at least 2 weeks in advance. The tournament will use DV8s rules and will be in blitz format.
The subcommittee will produce a document pack for prospective teams before the end of this month.
Workshop – League Football:
A strategic workshop which will discuss the format of the league has been scheduled to take place on Saturday 21st September [date of 14 or 15 September was discussed at the meeting, but at the Board Meeting, it was found to clash with other 2 other important events]. SBC/IAFL-1 concepts recently introduced will remain in place, however, the workshop will discuss issues such as minimum requirements, schedule formats and the direction that league football should take over the next 3-4 years.
Other topics discussed included 2012 accounts, officiating payments, coaching courses and league balls.
IAFA Board Quarterly Meeting:
The Board meeting covered a variety of topics including the following:
1. Vacant Board Position:
Matt Craig was co-opted onto the Board to replace Russell Kerley, who recently resigned.
Alan Orr will take over Development Officer duties. All Flag Football will report directly to the Development Officer except for some administrative matters which will be handled by the Commissioner.
2. The Gathering Bowl:
Greendell Falcons and Bristol Academy have been confirmed. The game will take place under lights at 7pm on Saturday 31st August at Tallaght Stadium. In addition, an Ireland U20 team will play Greendell on 28th August.
3. 2014 League Season:
Some important dates were set as follows:
21st September – Strategic Workshop on League Football.
1st October – deadline for applications from new teams for the 2014 season.
15th October – deadline for application for the 2014 season for all other teams.
All teams will be required to attend a face to face audit. Audit meetings will be scheduled 3-4 weeks after each of the above application dates. A new application/audit form will be circulated to all teams in early September.
Formative Membership Applications:
Tyrone Titans – formative membership granted.
Cork Greens – formative membership refused.
4. 2014 -2017 Strategic Plan:
We are in the final year of the current Strategic Plan. Over the coming weeks, the IAFA Board will start consulting with various stakeholders. Feedback on league football will be taken at the Workshop on League Football.
5. Coaching Pathway:
The Coaching Directorate sought formal permission from the Board to commence work on a new coaching player pathway in advance of introducing any level 2 courses. This has been requested by Coaching Ireland. If completed, the IAFA will be one of only 4 NGBs in Ireland with the new pathway in place (IRFU/FAI/GAA are the others). This will be a significant body of work and the IAFA will be the first small/medium NGB to undertake the exercise. Board approval was given.
There was also a discussion on how the adult learning/pathway knowledge on the coaching side could be also be applied to officiating.
6. Croke Park Classic:
Report on recent meetings with GAA was given. Michael Smith to continue to liaise with GAA.