The Irish American Football League is requesting that all parties interested in setting up a new team contact the league before the 30th September. This applies to any possible teams or parties hoping to form teams who are interested in playing at any level (i.e. 11s or DV8s) in 2011 or 2012.
The league has a progressive pathway, which includes a series of feedback/advice meetings, which the managements of prospective new teams attend, as they work towards league membership.
Prospective new teams are initially given Formative status, which allows for the recruitment of members and some training. This status also satisfies the Associations requirements that all American football activities in Ireland must be sanctioned by the Association. Once teams have recuited some players/coaches etc. they can progress onto the DVs Development League and ultimately onto the main IAFL league. It takes, on average, two years for a team to progress from Formative status to being a full member of the IAFL, though the timeframe can vary from team to team.
Prospecitve new teams are asked to email the following details to by close on business on 30th September 2010.
1. Name of Team.
2. Location.
3. Team Managers name and contact details.