The dates for the inaugural Junior League season have been announced as follows:
October 19th – Dublin.
November 9th – Venue to be confirmed soon.
November 29th – Drogheda.
Each team entering will have the opportunity to play two fixtures on each of the above dates. Each of these two fixtures will be two normal quarters long thus ensuring that each team gets the equivalent of one full game on each date. Points will be awarded to the winners of each shortened game. Those teams who opt to play on all 3 dates will get a total of six games. Teams not able to play a full schedule will also be catered for. A league table will be kept and the team with the most points will become the new National Champion.
Junior League will use 9-a-side rules and will be open to all players over the age of 16 who are born in the years 1995 to 1998 (as per International norms). Participation is strictly age based – both experienced and inexperienced players will be catered for.
New online Registration system.
The IAFA is piloting a new online registration system for the Junior Kitted league thus relieving team managers of a lot of the administrative work associated with collecting player details and registration fees. Players can register using the following link: [Password can be obtained from team managers].
Junior League Playing Rules:
Junior Leaguel will be played under 9-a-side rules. Full NCAA rules will be used with the following modifications – (i) only 9 players permitted on the field; (ii) there are no offensive tackles i.e. 2 less on the o-line and (iii) no blocking below the waist in any circumstances.